Friday 27 April 2012

Group Idea Developments & Pre-production

Group Developments

So we have have our final idea, but we have problem. We have a skeleton of our idea, but so far it hasn't got an in-depth storyline. So we got together to ascertain the synopsis of our final idea.

Brief synopsis:
"The animation will show a scrapbook about someones life. Pages will flick past and signify moments of our male protagonist's life will play. The camera will zoom on a still image in the scrapbook, and then the image will animate. At the point when the scrapbook gets to the higher age of our target audience, the page will turn over and the next page will be empty. This is to represent the audience filling in this page for themselves, so they will add something significant to the scrapbook. 
The scrapbook will be filled with quotes. The animation will start with a quote that will be decided at a later date, and this quote will get the audience thinking at the beginning, and hopefully be inspired throughout the animation. The quote will be overlaying on the torso of a lady, it will then animate into a ball then into a sperm, and then go into the belly button of the woman. The screen will then go black, and an ultra scan will develop. The camera will then zoom out to show the picture in the scrapbook. The animation will tell the story of an ideal life of a man, and will mainly focus on the travelling in his early 20s. A question will be asked at the end to ask what they are going to do next."

The group then got together to put forward an action plan of the next few weeks. By assigning each other role production speed will be a lot quicker and can be more detailed. I took on the role of directing which meant that it was up to me to make sure everything was done and in the targeted time we had made for ourselves. Before and after everyday of working further into our final major project we conducted meetings explaining our progress and what the next steps were.
After many discussions about the storyline of the animation, it was Jack's task to write a treatment, explaining the storyline in detail and how we are going to about it. Sam had the big task of creating the storyboard. This took up the majority of time spent doing pre-production work as it needed to be in great detail, to every little colour and motion. It was Kelly's task to create the character profiles. After much discussion, and doing our own visions of how we want the character to look like, we settled with a black silhouette.

We spent many sessions experimenting with different paints and paper/card. After a very productive session we produced example backgrounds for our animation. As a group we decided that all the backgrounds should be plain and make the props separately using card. After discussing the final synopsis of our animation, we were able to get started on creating the backgrounds and props.
As all of the tasks were complete up to this point, we assigned pairs to do separate tasks which was to completed the following week to start filming. Kelly and Sam had acrylic paints and card at home so they spent their time working on backgrounds and props. Me and Jack focused on the pre-production work including the shooting schedule, the props list, and even started looking into the kind of music we want in our animation, including foley.


Shooting Schedule
21st May 2012
1st Day of Shooting
Location: D103
Call Time: 9am            Work in pairs 2 shooting, 2 making extra objects and sets.
9am                                    Acquire necessary equipment
9.45am                               Scene 1
10.30am                             Scene 2
11am                                  Scene 3
12pm                                  Scene 4
12.30pm                             LUNCH
1pm                                    Scene 5
2pm                                    Scene 6a
3.30pm                               Scene 6b
4.45pm                               CLEAR UP
5pm                                    SHOOT END
22nd May 2012
Final Day of Shooting
Location: D103
Call Time: 9am            Work in pairs 2 shooting, 2 making extra objects and sets.
9am                                    Set-up Ready for Shooting
9.15am                               Scene 7
10am                                  Scene 8
11am                                  Scene 9
12pm                                  Scene 10a
1pm                                    LUNCH
1.30pm                               Scene 10b
2pm                                    Scene 11
3pm                                    Scene 12
4pm                                    Scene 13
5pm                                    SHOOT END
Equipment List
XM2 x1
We originally wanted to use a digital camera to shoot the animation, as we are all use to using this type of camera outside of college. However, after much consideration we decided to use an XM2 camera, which is the one we used for our animation we shot last year. This will make shooting much easier and quicker as we can connect a firewire cable into an Apple Mac from the camera so we can see what we are going on the Mac’s screen. This also gives us the opportunity to change frames around if necessary.

Lighting x1
As we are filming over a couple of days, we can’t rely on the lighting being exactly the same. Because of this, it would be a good idea to have an artificial light so that we have complete control on the brightness and it constant throughout the shooting process.
            - Gloves: Gloves may be required, as the equipment can get very hot.

Apple Mac
We will require an Apple Mac in the process of shooting and for editing afterwards. During the shooting process we can view what we are shooting on the screen on the Mac. After we finish shooting we will require the Mac to do a few last touches and editing.

Firewire Cable
This wire connects the XM2 camera we are using to the Apple Mac computer. This is so we can put the frames straight onto the computer and play around with them instead of importing the photos in all the time, which is time consuming.

Battery/AC Adapter
Either one of these will be required. As we are inside, an AC adapter would be easier as we would not need to keep charging up the battery.

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