Monday 23 April 2012

First Group Meeting

As a class we were told to get into the groups we wanted to work with for the final product. After looking at the idea boards of everyone else in class, I noticed that three of the people had a very similar idea to me. It made sense that we should all put our ideas together and create one big project, using all our individual input.

"As two of our group members were absent, me and Jack decided to have our own meeting to bring together our own ideas.
Jack discussed his idea, giving an overview of his influences and inspirations.
Ideas raised:
- Jack's idea was based on the journey of a one pound coin. This journey shows the different kinds of people that come into contact with it. Everything revolves around money, and not always in the same way. These people can range from powerful businessmen who take money for granted, to the penniless families in Africa who are grated for anything they can get.
- Animation is a good medium for portraying this.
We are both keen on exploring animation, and creating sound ourselves (foley)  to create real atmospheres.
I then presented my idea (my idea is explained fully in a previous post, and gave an insight on how it can developed even further. 
Ideas raised:
- I want to create a film that is inspirational, emphasising how good life is, and how lucky we are for what we have.
- I want to make the audience appreciate what they have, and live life to the fullest.
We both noticed that the above mentioned points were instrumental motives for both of us. We both wanted to create something that inspires and motivates viewers to start their own journey.
As the whole group wasn't present, we were unable to decide firmly on an idea to pursue. However, after a discussion we are now both on the same page and share a vision for what we wish to produce. With input from the remaining group members we will be able to conclude on a final idea to develop. "

Soon after this the entire group got together and had another meeting. Me and Jack explained our ideas, and what we discussed and concluded with our previous meeting. Kelly explained her idea which was an animation of life, starting from the conception. The idea focuses on what we all go through in our lives, including love, sadness and other emotions. This stop-motion animation is to be made using paper and actual objects. Sam then explained her idea, which focuses on a scrap book made by a girl who is traveling. As she grows up she experiences different cultures.

"As all of our ideas are similar, we thought it would be a good idea to merge them all together. We want to create a film thats inspirational and 'feel good'. For inspiration our group is going to watch; Foster's advert, Kelly's example of animation on the human body, My 'Big Fish' inspiration, and the animated film 'up'.
Possible idea of an animation is to show life from an old age to being born, using kelly's idea of sperm going into the belly button, and using my idea of showing life though the ages.
We all liked Sam's idea of the scrapbook to start a new scene of the animation.
We all want to use foley to create atmospheric sounds.
Develop our idea from an inspirational quote.
Animation with a bit of live action elements, so we can animate around live action from after effects, or another video editing software.
From this we have a firm skeleton of what a final major project will be.

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