Monday 2 April 2012

Brainstorm and Research

I started the brainstorming process by looking into the medium that I would like to work with on my final major project. For this project I would like to either make a film or an animation or even a mixture of the two.
To get my inspiration, I first looked into films that I enjoy watching the most. Most of these are Oscar nominated films, as they all possess the qualities I like during a film, which is mainly realism. One of Oscar nominated films I enjoyed recently is the The Help (2011) by Tate Taylor. The film focuses on an aspiring author that decides to write a book about the African-American maids during the civil rights movement in 1960. The film gives an insight into how these maids were treated by the white families that they work for. I enjoyed that even though they were treated appalling, the women still made the most of what they had, and stuck together as a group. When one of maids stepped forward to be interviewed for the book, they all did. The film was believable, and I enjoyed how strongly the white families were being portrayed as monsters.

Another film with similar qualities is a film called Tyrannosaur (2011) by Paddy Considine. This film follows a man who is plagued by violence and rage, that is driving himself to self-destruction. As his life spirals into turmoil, a chance of redemption appears when he meets a Christian charity shop worker. At first I thought this film was revolting, as it starts with the protagonist killing his own dog, subsequently giving an instant hatred. Even though many acts of violence are committed, throughout the film we see the the reasons behind it, and as a result we therefore sympathise with him. We also find out more about the Christian lady, who has her own secrets. 
At first, I weren't sure what to think about this film, as it made me feel sick to my stomach. But as I got passed this, I appreciated the artistic qualities of the film. The acting is outstanding, and the realisation that the issues that are covered actually happen in everyday lives is just awful, and it's good for this film to make awareness.

Looking at these films have given me an insight into what I want to create myself for my final major project, and I began creating my own ideas.

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